IMPORTANT: This information should NOT be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time or sent to others using government equipment. Do not use your government email address or government phone in contacting your lawmakers. Do not forward this to a government addresses as it contains AFGE/NVAC information specific to you.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Our union became aware yesterday that AFGE members were sent an email asking you to resign from federal service with a vague promise of reward for resigning by February 6.
As we close out 2024 and prepare for a new chapter in 2025, I want to take a moment to share my deepest gratitude with each of you—our union members. You are the heart and soul of AFGE, the driving force behind everything we accomplish, and the unwavering foundation of our shared mission.
This year has been a testament to your resilience, dedication, and unity.
Brothers and Sisters:
Do you need extra money for the holidays?
All you have to do is to switch your membership dues to e-dues and receive $50.00!!
Sign up at: